To facilitate uploading your files and ensure your plans are placed in the correct order for the final compiled plan set, use the standard file naming conventions below. Do not delete files: Files should not be deleted between revisions unless the submitted file is being completely removed from the permit set.
The electronic plan review software will automatically track and add a revision number in the system that can be viewed once uploading is complete.
Do not “version” or rename files when uploading and resubmitting files. If you change file names, the County will reject your plan re-submission. Retain file names: File names must remain the same throughout the submittal and re-submittal processes. #ARLINGTON COUNTY EPLAN PDF#
Save all documents submitted for review as searchable PDF files. The construction set should NOT be submitted as one file. Upload as individual files save as searchable PDFs: Upload files individually through the ePlan Review portal.No encryption or passwords: Placing encryption or passwords on files generates an error that prevents staff from viewing the files.Scalable vector drawings: While scanned images are accepted, every effort should be made to submit scalable vector drawings.Maximum files size: There are no size limitations to documents submitted online.Trash and Recycling for Businesses Sub-menu.Business Tangible Personal Property Taxes.Vehicle Personal Property Tax Assessments.Customer Assessment and Payment Portal (CAPP).
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